# Tesla Binding

This binding integrates Tesla Electrical Vehicles (opens new window). The integration happens through the Tesla Owners Remote API.
# Supported Things
All current Tesla models are supported by this binding. Access is established through a Tesla account as a bridge.
Thing Type | Description |
account | The account provides access to the vehicles. |
models | A Tesla Model S |
model3 | A Tesla Model 3 |
modelx | A Tesla Model X |
modely | A Tesla Model Y |
# Auto Discovery
The account cannot be automatically discovered, but has to be created manually.
Once an account is configured, it is queried for associated vehicles and an Inbox entry is created for each of them.
Note: Vehicles that are asleep are discovered and put into the Inbox, but their model cannot be determined. As an effect, their channels are missing until the vehicle wakes up and can be fully queried. A vehicle can be manually woken up by opening the Tesla app and checking the vehicle status in there.
# Bridge Configuration
The account
bridge requires an OAuth2 refresh token as the only parameter refreshToken
There are a few 3rd party tools available that have specialized on getting hold of refresh tokens for the Tesla API. Please note that we in general consider it dangerous to enter your credentials into some 3rd party app - you will have to trust the author not to send or store those credentials anywhere.
- Tesla Access Token Generator (Chromium Extension (opens new window)
- Auth App for Tesla (iOS) (opens new window)
- Tesla Tokens (Android) (opens new window)
When using one of such apps, simply copy and paste the received refresh token into the account configuration.
# Thing Configuration Parameters
The vehicle Thing requires the vehicle's VIN as a configuration parameter vin
Additionally, the follow optional parameters may be defined.
Parameter Name | Label | Default Value | Description |
valetpin | Valet PIN | false | PIN to use when enabling Valet Mode |
allowWakeupForCommands | Allow Wake-Up For Commands | false | Wake up the vehicle to send commands. May cause vehicle to stay awake |
For further flexibility and experimentation, the following advanced parameters may also be set.
Parameter Name | Label | Default Value | Description |
allowWakeup | Allow Wake-Up | false | Allows waking up the vehicle to retrieve data. See caution below |
enableEvents | Enable Events | false | Enable the event stream for the vehicle. See note below |
inactivity | Inactivity Interval | 5 | The inactivity period in minutes after which the binding stops for 20 minutes to let the car sleep |
useDriveState | Use Drive State for Inactivity | false | Use the drive state instead of location to determine vehicle inactivity |
useAdvancedStatesForPolling | Use Console Modes and Occupancy for Inactivity | false | Use these states to help continue the fast polling of the API |
should be used with caution as this determines whether openHAB is allowed to wake up the vehicle in order to retrieve data from it.
This setting is not recommended as it will result in a significant vampire drain (i.e. energy consumption although the vehicle is parking).
captures and processes data in near real-time for key variables by enabling events streamed by the Tesla back-end system.
setting is ignored and will always be five minutes if homelink is available (car is at home)
# Channels
All vehicles support a huge number of channels - the following list shows the standard ones:
Channel ID | Item Type | Label | Description |
autoconditioning | Switch | Auto Conditioning | Turns on auto-conditioning (a/c or heating) |
batterylevel | Number | Battery Level | State of the battery in % |
chargingstate | String | Charging State | “Starting”, “Complete”, “Charging”, “Disconnected”, “Stopped”, “NoPower” |
chargeport | Switch | Charge Port | Open the Charge Port (ON) or indicates the state of the Charge Port (ON/OFF if Open/Closed) |
climate | Switch | Climate | Climate status indicator |
doorlock | Switch | Door Lock | Lock or unlock the car |
insidetemp | Number:Temperature | Inside Temperature | Indicates the inside temperature of the vehicle |
location | Location | Location | The actual position of the vehicle |
odometer | Number:Length | Odometer | Odometer of the vehicle |
speed | Number:Speed | Speed | Vehicle speed |
Additionally, these advanced channels are available (not all are available on all vehicle types, e.g., the sunroof):
Channel ID | Item Type | Label | Description |
destinationname | String | Route destination | Name of the destination |
destinationlocation | Location | Route location | Location of the destination |
distancetoarrival | Number:Length | Distance to arrival | Distance to drive to the destination (in miles) |
minutestoarrival | Number:Time | Minutes to arrival | Minutes to drive to the destination |
trafficminutesdelay | Number:Time | Traffic delay | Minutes of delay due to traffic |
autoparkstate | String | Autopark State | Undocumented / To be defined |
autoparkstyle | String | Autopark Style | Undocumented / To be defined |
batterycurrent | Number:ElectricCurrent | Battery Current | Current (Ampere) floating into (+) or out (-) of the battery |
batteryheater | Switch | Battery Heater | Indicates if the battery heater is switched on |
batteryheaternopower | Switch | Battery Heater Power | Indicates if there is enough power to use the battery heater |
batteryrange | Number:Length | Battery Range | Range of the battery |
calendarenabled | Switch | Calendar Enabled | Indicates if access to a remote calendar is enabled |
centerdisplay | Number | Central Display State | Indicates the state of the central display in the vehicle, see here (opens new window) for valid values |
centerrearseatheater | Switch | Center Rear Seat Heater | Indicates if the center rear seat heater is switched on |
charge | Switch | Charge | Start (ON) or stop (OFF) charging |
chargecable | String | Charge Cable | Undocumented / To be defined |
chargecurrent | Number:ElectricCurrent | Charge Current | Current (Ampere) requested from the charger |
chargeenablerequest | Switch | Charge Enable Request | Undocumented / To be defined |
chargeenergyadded | Number:Energy | Charge Energy Added | Energy added, in kWh, during the last charging session |
chargelimit | Dimmer | Charge Limit | Limit charging of the vehicle to the given % |
chargelimitmaximum | Dimmer | Charge Limit Maximum | Maximum charging limit of the vehicle, as % |
chargelimitminimum | Dimmer | Charge Limit Minimum | Minimum charging limit of the vehicle, as % |
chargelimitsocstandard | Dimmer | Charge Limit SOC Standard | Standard charging limit of the vehicle, in % |
chargeidealdistanceadded | Number:Length | Ideal Charge Distance Added | Ideal range added during the last charging session |
chargemaxcurrent | Number:ElectricCurrent | Charge Max Current | Maximum current (Ampere) that can be requested from the charger |
chargerateddistanceadded | Number:Length | Rated Charge Distance Added | Rated range added during the last charging session |
chargerate | Number:Speed | Charge Rate | Distance per hour charging rate |
chargestartingrange | String | Charge Starting Range | Undocumented / To be defined |
chargestartingsoc | String | Charge Starting SOC | Undocumented / To be defined |
chargetomax | Switch | Charge To Max Range | Indicates if charging to the maximum range is enabled |
chargercurrent | Number:ElectricCurrent | Charge Current | Current (Ampere) actually being drawn from the charger |
chargerphases | Number | Charger Phases | Indicates the number of phases (1 to 3) used for charging |
chargermaxcurrent | Number:ElectricCurrent | Charger Maximum Current | Maximum current (Ampere) that can be delivered by the charger |
chargerpower | Number | Charger Power | Power actually delivered by the charger |
chargervoltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Charger Voltage | Voltage (V) actually presented by the charger |
chargingamps | Number:ElectricCurrent | Set Charging Amps | Current (Ampere) to use for charging |
driverfrontdoor | Contact | Driver Front Door | Indicates if the front door at the driver's side is open |
driverreardoor | Contact | Driver Rear Door | Indicates if the rear door at the driver's side is open |
drivertemp | Number:Temperature | Driver Temperature | Indicates the auto conditioning temperature set at the driver's side |
eventstamp | DateTime | Event Timestamp | Timestamp of the last event received from the Tesla streaming service |
estimatedbatteryrange | Number:Length | Estimated Battery Range | Estimated battery range |
estimatedrange | Number | Estimated Range | Estimated range of the vehicle |
fan | Number | Fan | Indicates the speed (0-7) of the fan |
flashlights | Switch | Flash Lights | Flash the lights of the car (when ON is received) |
frontdefroster | Switch | Front Defroster | Indicates if the front defroster is enabled |
fronttrunk | Switch | Front Trunk | Indicates if the front trunk is opened, or open the front trunk when ON is received |
gpstimestamp | DateTime | GPS Time Stamp | Time stamp of the most recent GPS location of the vehicle |
heading | Number | Heading | Indicates the (compass) heading of the car, in 0-360 degrees |
headingestimation | Number | Estimated Heading | Estimated (compass) heading of the car, in 0 to 360 degrees |
honkhorn | Switch | Honk the Horn | Honk the horn of the vehicle, when ON is received |
homelink | Switch | Homelink Nearby | Indicates if the Home Link is nearby |
idealbatteryrange | Number:Length | Ideal Battery Range | Indicates the Battery Range |
lefttempdirection | Number | Left Temperature Direction | Not documented / To be defined |
lastautoparkerror | String | Last Autopark Error | Not documented / To be defined |
location | Location | Location | The actual position of the vehicle |
leftseatheater | Switch | Left Seat Heater | Indicates if the left seat heater is switched on |
leftrearseatheater | Switch | Left Rear Seat Heater | Indicates if the left rear seat heater is switched on |
leftrearbackseatheater | Number | Left Rear Backseat Heater | Indicates the level (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the left rear backseat heater |
managedcharging | Switch | Managed Charging | Indicates if managed charging is active |
managedchargingcancelled | Switch | Managed Charging Cancelled | Indicates if managed charging is cancelled by the user |
managedchargingstart | String | Managed Charging Start Time | Not documented / To be defined |
maxcharges | Number | Max Charges | Indicates the number of consecutive "Max Range Charges" performed by the vehicle |
minavailabletemp | Number:Temperature | Minimum Temperature | Indicates the minimal inside temperature of the vehicle |
maxavailabletemp | Number:Temperature | Maximum Temperature | Indicates the maximum inside temperature of the vehicle |
mobileenabled | Switch | Mobile Enabled | Indicates whether the vehicle can be remotely controlled |
notenoughpower | Switch | Not Enough Power | Indicates if not enough power (ON) is available to heat the vehicle |
notificationsenabled | Switch | Notifications Enabled | Not documented / To be defined |
notificationssupported | Switch | Notifications Supported | Not documented / To be defined |
outsidetemp | Number:Temperature | Outside Temperature | Indicates the outside temperature of the vehicle |
parsedcalendar | Switch | Parsed Calendar Supported | Not documented / To be defined |
passengertemp | Number | Passenger Temperature | Indicates the auto conditioning temperature set at the passenger's side |
passengerfrontdoor | Contact | Passenger Front Door | Indicates if the front door at the passenger's side is opened |
passengerreardoor | Contact | Passenger Rear Door | Indicates if the rear door at the passenger's side is opened |
power | Number | Power | Net kW flowing in (+) or out (-) of the battery |
preconditioning | Switch | Preconditioning | Indicates if preconditioning is activated |
range | Number | Range | Vehicle range - Not documented / To be defined |
reardefroster | Switch | Rear Defroster | Indicates if the rear defroster is enabled |
remotestartenabled | Switch | Remote Start | Not documented / To be defined |
reartrunk | Switch | Rear Trunk | Indicates if the rear trunk is opened, or open/close the rear trunk when ON/OFF is received |
remotestart | Switch | Remote Start | Not documented / To be defined |
remotestartsupported | Switch | Remote Start Supported | Not documented / To be defined |
rightseatheater | Switch | Right Seat Heater | Indicates if the right seat heater is switched on |
rightrearseatheater | Switch | Right Rear Seat Heater | Indicates if the right rear seat heater is switched on |
rightrearbackseatheater | Number | Right Rear Backseat Heater | Indicates the level (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the right rear backseat heater |
righttempdirection | Number | Right Temperature Direction | Not documented / To be defined |
scheduledchargingpending | Switch | Scheduled Charging Pending | Indicates if a scheduled charging session is still pending |
scheduledchargingstart | DateTime | Scheduled Charging Start | Indicates when the scheduled charging session will start, in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format |
sentrymode | Switch | Sentry Mode | Activates or deactivates sentry mode |
sentrymodeavailable | Switch | Sentry Mode Available | Indicates whether sentry mode is currently available |
shiftstate | String | Shift State | Indicates the state of the transmission, “P”, “D”, “R”, or “N” |
sidemirrorheaters | Switch | Side Mirror Heaters | Indicates if the side mirror heaters are switched on |
smartpreconditioning | Switch | Smart Preconditioning | Indicates if smart preconditioning is switched on |
softwareupdateavailable | Switch | Update Available | Car software or map update available, automatically generated on non-empty "update version" |
softwareupdatestatus | String | Update Status | Car software or map update status, e.g. "downloading_wifi_wait", "installing" |
softwareupdateversion | String | Update Version | Car software or map version to update to, e.g. "2023.32.9", "EU-2023.32-14783" for map updates, or empty |
soc | Number | State of Charge | State of Charge, in % |
state | String | State | “online”, “asleep”, “waking” |
steeringwheelheater | Switch | Steering Wheel Heater | Turns On/Off the steering wheel heater |
sunroofstate | String | Sunroof State | Valid states are “unknown”, “open”, “closed”, “vent”, “comfort”. Accepts commands "close" and "vent". |
sunroof | Dimmer | Sunroof | Indicates the opening state of the sunroof (0% closed, 100% fully open) |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature | Set the temperature of the autoconditioning system. The temperature for the driver and passenger will be synced. |
timetofullcharge | Number | Time To Full Charge | Number of hours to fully charge the battery |
tripcharging | Switch | Trip Charging | Not documented / To be defined |
usablebatterylevel | Number | Usable Battery Level | Indicates the % of battery that can be used for vehicle functions like driving |
userchargeenablerequest | String | User Charge Enable Request | Not documented / To be defined |
valetmode | Switch | Valet Mode | Enable or disable Valet Mode |
valetpin | Switch | Valet PIN Required | Indicates if a PIN code is required to disable valet mode |
wakeup | Switch | Wake Up | Wake up the vehicle from a (deep) sleep |
wiperbladeheater | Switch | Wiperblade Heater | Indicates if the wiperblade heater is switched on |
# Example
Bridge tesla:account:myaccount "My Tesla Account" [ refreshToken="xxxx" ] {
model3 mycar "My favorite car" [ vin="5YJSA7H25FFP53736"]
DateTime TeslaEventstamp {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:eventstamp"}
String TeslaState {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:state"}
Number TeslaSpeed {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:speed"}
String TeslaShiftState {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:shiftstate"}
Number:Length TeslaOdometer {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:odometer", unit="km"}
Number TeslaRange {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:range"}
Number TeslaBatteryLevel {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:batterylevel"}
Number TeslaPower {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:power"}
Number TeslaBatteryCurrent {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:batterycurrent"}
Number:Length TeslaBatteryRange {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:batteryrange", unit="km"}
Number:Length TeslaEstBatteryRange {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:estimatedbatteryrange", unit="km"}
Number:Length TeslaIdealBatteryRange {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:idealbatteryrange", unit="km"}
Number TeslaUsableBatteryLevel {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:usablebatterylevel"}
Switch TeslaPreconditioning {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:preconditioning"}
Switch TeslaCharge {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:charge"}
Switch TeslaChargeToMax {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:chargetomax"}
Dimmer TeslaChargeLimit {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:chargelimit"}
Number TeslaChargeRate {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:chargerate"}
String TeslaChargingState {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:chargingstate"}
Number TeslaChargerPower {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:chargerpower"}
Number TeslaTimeToFullCharge {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:timetofullcharge"}
Number TeslaMaxCharges {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:maxcharges"}
Number TeslaChargerVoltage {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:chargervoltage"}
Number TeslaChargerPower {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:chargerpower"}
Number TeslaChargerCurrent {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:chargercurrent"}
DateTime TeslaScheduledChargingStart {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:scheduledchargingstart"}
Dimmer TeslaSoC {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:soc"}
Switch TeslaDoorLock {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:doorlock"}
Switch TeslaHorn {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:honkhorn"}
Switch TeslaStart {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:remotestart"}
Switch TeslaSentry {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:sentrymode"}
Switch TeslaLights {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:flashlights"}
Switch TeslaValet {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:valetmode"}
Switch TeslaWakeup {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:wakeup"}
Switch TeslaBatteryHeater {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:batteryheater"}
Switch TeslaFrontDefrost {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:frontdefroster"}
Switch TeslaRearDefrost {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:reardefroster"}
Switch TeslaLeftSeatHeater {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:leftseatheater"}
Switch TeslaRightSeatHeater {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:rightseatheater"}
Switch TeslaHomelink {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:homelink"}
Location TeslaLocation {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:location"}
Number TeslaHeading {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:heading"}
DateTime TeslaLocationTime {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:gpstimestamp"}
Switch TeslaAutoconditioning {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:autoconditioning"}
Number:Temperature TeslaTemperature {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:temperature"}
Number:Temperature TeslaTemperatureCombined {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:combinedtemp"}
Number:Temperature TeslaInsideTemperature {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:insidetemp"}
Number:Temperature TeslaOutsideTemperature {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:outsidetemp"}
String TeslaDestinationName {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:destinationname"}
Location TeslaDestinationLocation {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:destinationlocation"}
Number:Time TeslaMinutesToArrival {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:minutestoarrival", unit="min"}
Number:Length TeslaDistanceToArrival {channel="account:model3:myaccount:mycar:distancetoarrival"}
sitemap main label="Main"
Text item=TeslaUsableBatteryLevel label="Car" icon="tesla" valuecolor=[<=20="red",>60="green"]
Text item=TeslaEventstamp icon="time"
Text item=TeslaState label="State [%s]" icon=""
Text item=TeslaHomelink label="Homelink Available[%s]" icon=""
Text item=TeslaDistance
Text item=TeslaSpeed label="Speed [%.1f]"
Text item=TeslaShiftState label="Shift State [%s]" icon=""
Text item=nTeslaShiftState
Text item=TeslaOdometer label="Odometer [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=TeslaRange
Switch item=TeslaAutoconditioning label="Enable Heat or AC"
Setpoint item=TeslaTemperature step=0.5 minValue=65 maxValue=78 label="Auto Conditioning Temperature [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=TeslaInsideTemperature label="Inside Temperature [%.1f %unit%]" valuecolor=[<=32="blue",>95="red"]
Text item=TeslaOutsideTemperature label="Outside Temperature [%.1f %unit%]" valuecolor=[<=32="blue",>95="red"]
Text item=TeslaBatteryLevel
Text item=TeslaUsableBatteryLevel
Text item=TeslaPower
Text item=TeslaBatteryCurrent label="Current [%.1f]"
Text item=TeslaBatteryRange label="Battery Range [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=TeslaEstBatteryRange label="Battery Est Range [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=TeslaIdealBatteryRange label="Battery Ideal Range [%.1f %unit%]"
Switch item=TeslaCharge label="Charge"
Slider item=TeslaChargeLimit label="Charge Limit [%.1f]"
Text item=TeslaChargingState label="Charging State [%s]" icon=""
Text item=TeslaTimeToFullCharge label="Time To Full Charge [%.1f hours]"
Text item=TeslaPreconditioning label="Preconditioning [%s]" icon=""
Text item=TeslaChargeRate label="Charge Rate [%d miles/hr]"
Text item=TeslaScheduledChargingStart icon="time"
Text item=TeslaChargerVoltage label="Charge Voltage [%.1f V]"
Text item=TeslaChargerPower label="Charge Power [%.1f kW]"
Text item=TeslaChargerCurrent label="Charge Current [%.1f A]"
Text item=TeslaChargeToMax label="Charge To Max [%s]" icon=""
Text item=TeslaMaxCharges label="Consec Max Charge[%d]"
Switch item=TeslaWakeup label="Wakeup the Car"
Switch item=TeslaDoorLock label="Doorlock"
Switch item=TeslaHorn label="Horn"
Switch item=TeslaLights label="Lights"
Switch item=TeslaStart label="Remote Start"
Switch item=TeslaValet label="Valet Mode"
Switch item=TeslaSentry label="Sentry Mode"
Switch item=TeslaBatteryHeater label="Battery Heater"
Switch item=TeslaFrontDefrost label="Defrost Front"
Switch item=TeslaRearDefrost label="Defrost Rear"
Switch item=TeslaLeftSeatHeater label="Seat Heat Left"
Switch item=TeslaRightSeatHeater label="Seat Heat Right"
Mapview item=TeslaLocation height=10
Default item=TeslaDestinationName
Default item=TeslaMinutesToArrival
Default item=TeslaDistanceToArrival
Mapview item=TeslaDestinationLocation height=10
demo.rule (for graphing online status in sitemap above)
rule "Tesla State Changed"
Item TeslaState changed
if (previousState == NULL) return;
switch (TeslaState.state) {
case "online" : {
case "asleep" : {
case "offline" : {
case "waking" : {
case "unknown" : {