# Sonnen Binding

The binding for sonnen communicates with a sonnen battery. More information about the sonnen battery can be found here (opens new window). The binding supports the old deprecated V1 from sonnen as well as V2 which requires an authentication token. More information about the V2 API can be found at http://LOCAL-SONNENBATTERY-SYSTEM-IP/api/doc.html

# Supported Things

Thing Type Description
sonnenbattery Monitoring of a sonnen battery

# Thing Configuration

Only the parameter hostIP is required; this is the IP address of the sonnen battery in your local network. If you want to use the V2 API, which supports more channels, you need to provide the authToken.

# Channels

The following channels are yet supported:

Channel Type Access Description
batteryChargingState Switch read Indicates if the Battery is charging at that moment
batteryCharging Number:Power read Indicates the actual current charging the Battery. Otherwise 0.
batteryDischargingState Switch read Indicates if the Battery is discharging at that moment
batteryDischarging Number:Power read Indicates the actual current discharging the Battery. Otherwise 0.
consumption Number:Power read Indicates the actual consumption of the consumer in watt
gridFeedIn Number:Power read Indicates the actual current feeding to the Grid in watt.0 if nothing is feeded
gridConsumption Number:Power read Indicates the actual current consumption from the Grid in watt.0 if nothing is received
solarProduction Number:Power read Indicates the actual production of the Solar system in watt
batteryLevel Number read Indicates the actual Battery Level in % from 0 - 100
flowConsumptionBatteryState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Battery towards Consumption
flowConsumptionGridState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Grid towards Consumption
flowConsumptionProductionState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Solar Production towards Consumption
flowGridBatteryState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Grid towards Battery
flowProductionBatteryState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Production towards Battery
energyImportedStateProduction Number:Energy read Indicates the imported kWh Production
energyExportedStateProduction Number:Energy read Indicates the exported kWh Production
energyImportedStateConsumption Number:Energy read Indicates the imported kWh Consumption
energyExportedStateConsumption Number:Energy read Indicates the exported kWh Consumption
batteryChargingFromGrid Switch read/write Starts and stops the active battery charging from Grid. Note: "Write-API" in Software-Integration page of the local web interface from the sonnen battery must be activated and the given token must be entered in authentication token field of the binding
batteryOperationMode String read Indicates if the Battery is operating in automatic or manual mode. Manual mode is required for active charging the battery. Assure that the battery is in automatic mode if you don't actively charge the battery.Changing the operation mode is happening with the channel "batteryChargingFromGrid"

# Full Example


Thing sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery "Sonnen Battery"  [ hostIP=""]


Number:Energy Consumption { channel="sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery:consumption" }
Number:Energy GridFeeding { channel="sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery:gridFeedIn" }
Number BatteryLevel { channel="sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery:batteryLevel" }
Switch FlowConsumptionBattery { channel="sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery:flowConsumptionBattery" }

# Tested Hardware

The binding was successfully tested with the following sonnen battery:

  • sonnnen eco 8.0 SW Version:
  • sonnnen eco 9.43 SW Version: