# MQTT Awtrix 3 Binding

This binding allows you to control Awtrix 3 (formerly Awtrix Light) LED matrix displays via MQTT. Awtrix 3 is a firmware for a 32x8 LED matrix display that can show various information like time, weather, notifications and custom text/graphics. The most popular choice for a device that supports the Awtrix 3 firmware is the Ulanzi tc0001 clock.

# Supported Things

This binding supports two types of things:

Thing Type Description
awtrix-clock (Bridge) Represents an Awtrix 3 display device. Acts as a bridge for apps.
awtrix-app Represents an app running on the Awtrix display. Apps can show text, icons, notifications, etc.

The binding was tested with the Ulanzi tc0001 clock.

# Discovery

The binding can automatically discover Awtrix 3 devices that publish their status to the configured MQTT broker. Make sure to use a mqtt prefix that starts with awtrix for discovery to work. It is however recommended to use a prefix with two topic levels, for example awtrix/clock1 so that you can discover and control multiple devices. Once a device is discovered, it will appear in the inbox. There is no need to trigger a discovery scan manually. Default Awtrix apps can also be discovered if discoverDefaultApps is enabled on the bridge. This is however not recommended as the default apps cannot be controlled with this binding.

# Binding Configuration

The Awtrix 3 binding does not offer any binding configuration parameters.

# Thing Configuration

# Bridge Configuration (awtrix-clock)

Parameter Description Default Required
basetopic The MQTT base topic for the Awtrix device "awtrix" Yes
appLockTimeout Timeout in seconds before releasing the lock to a selected app and returning to normal app cycle (see App Configuration for more details). 10 Yes
discoverDefaultApps Enable discovery of default apps. Since default apps cannot be controlled by this binding this should usually be disabled. false Yes
lowBatteryThreshold Battery level threshold for low battery warning. 25 Yes

# App Configuration (awtrix-app)

Parameter Description Default Required
appname Name of the app - Yes
useButtons Enable button control for this app false No

When you enable the button control for an app, you can lock the app to the display by pushing the select button on the clock device. A red indicator will be shown while the app is locked and will start to blink shortly before the lock ends. The lock will last for the appLockTimeout set for the bridge. As long as the app is locked the normal app cycle is disabled and you can control the app by pressing the left and right buttons or the select button on the clock device. Pressing a button while the app is locked will reset the lock timeout to the value set for appLockTimeout. Left and right button presses will emit button events on the clock itself and the selected app. The button events can be used by rules to change the displayed app or perform any other actions (for example change the text color of the app or skip the current song playing on your audio device).

# Channels

# Bridge Channels (awtrix-clock)

Channel Type Read/Write Description
app String R Currently active app: Will show the name of the app that is currently shown on the display.
auto-brightness Switch RW Automatic brightness control: The clock will adjust the display brightness automatically based on ambient light.
battery-level Number R Battery level: The battery level of the internal battery in percent.
brightness Dimmer RW Display brightness: The brightness of the display in percent.
button-left Trigger R Left button press event: Triggered when the left button is pressed/released (Event PRESSED or RELEASED).
button-right Trigger R Right button press event: Triggered when the right button is pressed/released (Event PRESSED or RELEASED).
button-select Trigger R Select button press event: Triggered when the select button is pressed/released (Event PRESSED or RELEASED).
display Switch RW Display on/off: Switches the display on or off. The clock will still stay on while the display is off.
humidity Number:Dimensionless R Relative humidity: Relative humidity in percent. For the Ulanzi clock values are usually very inaccurate.
indicator-1 Switch RW Control first indicator LED: Switches the first indicator LED on or off. The color of the LED will be green but can be customised by using thing actions (you can also use blinking/fading effects).
indicator-2 Switch RW Control second indicator LED: Switches the second indicator LED on or off.The color of the LED will be green but can be customised by using thing actions (you can also use blinking/fading effects).
indicator-3 Switch RW Control third indicator LED: Switches the third indicator LED on or off. The color of the LED will be green but can be customised by using thing actions (you can also use blinking/fading effects).
low-battery Switch R Low battery warning: Will be switched ON as soon as the battery level drops below the lowBatteryThreshold set for the bridge.
lux Number:Illuminance R Ambient light level: Ambient light level in lux as measured by the built-in light sensor.
rssi Number:Dimensionless R WiFi signal strength (RSSI): WiFi signal strength (RSSI) in dBm.
rtttl String W Play RTTTL ringtone: Play a ringtone specified in RTTTL format (see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_Tones_Text_Transfer_Language (opens new window))
screen String R Screen image: Allows you to mirror the screen image from the clock. The screen image will be updated automatically when the app changes but can be updated manually by sending a RefreshType command to the channel.
sound String W Play sound file: The sound file must be available on the clock device in the MELODIES folder. Save a file with a valid RTTTL string (e.g. melody.txt) in this folder and play it by sending a String command to the channel with the filename without file extension (e.g. "melody").
temperature Number:Temperature R Device temperature: Temperature in °C as measured by the built-in temperature sensor. For the Ulanzi clock values are usually very inaccurate.

# App Channels (awtrix-app)

Channel Type Read/Write Description
active* Switch RW Enable/disable the app: Switches the app on or off. Note that channels of inactive apps will be reset to their default values during a restart of openHAB.
autoscale Switch RW Enable/disable autoscaling for bar and linechart.
background Color RW Sets a background color.
bar String RW Shows a bar chart: Send a string with values separated by commas (e.g. "value1,value2,value3"). Only the last 16 values will be displayed.
blink Number:Time RW Blink text: Blink the text in the specified interval. Ignored if gradientColor or rainbow are set.
center Switch RW Center short text horizontally and disable scrolling.
color Color RW Text, bar or line chart color.
duration Number:Time RW Display duration in seconds.
effect String RW Display effect (see https://blueforcer.github.io/awtrix3/#/effects (opens new window) for possible values).
effect-blend Switch RW Enable smoother effect transitions. Only to be used with effect.
effect-palette String RW Color palette for effects (see https://blueforcer.github.io/awtrix3/#/effects (opens new window) for possible values and how to create custom palettes). Only to be used with effect.
effect-speed Number:Dimensionless RW Effect animation speed: Higher means faster (see https://blueforcer.github.io/awtrix3/#/effects (opens new window)). Only to be used with effect.
fade Number:Time RW Fade text: Fades the text in and out in the specified interval. Ignored if gradientColor or rainbow are set.
gradient-color Color RW Secondary color for gradient effects. Use color for setting the primary color.
icon String RW Icon name to display: Install icons on the clock device first.
lifetime* Number:Time RW App lifetime: Define how long the app will remain active on the clock.
lifetime-mode* String RW Lifetime mode: Define if the app should be deleted (Command DELETE) or marked as stale (Command STALE) after lifetime.
line String RW Shows a line chart: Send a string with values separated by commas (e.g. "value1,value2,value3"). Only the last 16 values will be displayed.
overlay String RW Enable overlay mode: Shows a weather overlay effect (can be any of clear, snow, rain, drizzle, storm, thunder, frost).
progress Number:Dimensionless RW Progress value: Shows a progress bar at the bottom of the app with the specified percentage value.
progress-background Color RW Progress bar background color: Background color for the progress bar.
progress-color Color RW Progress bar color: Color for the progress bar.
push-icon String RW Push icon animation (STATIC=Icon doesn't move, PUSHOUT=Icon moves with text and will not appear again, PUSHOUTRETURN=Icon moves with text but appears again when the text starts to scroll again).
rainbow Switch RW Enable rainbow effect: Uses a rainbow effect for the displayed text.
reset* Switch RW Reset app to default state: All channels will be reset to their default values.
scroll-speed Number:Dimensionless RW Text scrolling speed: Provide as percentage value. The original speed is 100%. Values above 100% will increase the scrolling speed, values below 100% will decrease it. Setting this value to 0 will disable scrolling completely.
text String RW Text to display.
text-case Number:Dimensionless RW Set text case (0=normal, 1=uppercase, 2=lowercase).
text-offset Number:Dimensionless RW Text offset position: Horizontal offset of the text in pixels.
top-text String RW Draws the text on the top of the display.

* Cannot be used with notification Actions (see section Actions)

# Actions

The binding supports various actions that can be used in rules to control the Awtrix display. To use these actions, you need to import them in your rules (see examples below).

The following actions are supported:

Action Name Description Parameter Type Parameter Name Parameter Description
blinkIndicator Blink an indicator LED. int indicatorId 1 for top indicator, 2 for center indicator or 3 for bottom indicator.
int[] rgb Provide an array with exactly 3 values for red, green and blue (in the range 0-255).
int blinkTimeInMs Provide the blink time in milliseconds.
fadeIndicator Fade an indicator LED in and out. int indicatorId 1 for top indicator, 2 for center indicator or 3 for bottom indicator.
int[] rgb Provide an array with exactly 3 values for red, green and blue (in the range 0-255).
int fadeTimeInMs Provide the fade time in milliseconds.
activateIndicator Activate an indicator LED. int indicatorId 1 for top indicator, 2 for center indicator or 3 for bottom indicator.
int[] rgb Provide an array with exactly 3 values for red, green and blue (in the range 0-255).
deactivateIndicator Deactivate an indicator LED. int indicatorId 1 for top indicator, 2 for center indicator or 3 for bottom indicator.
reboot Reboot the device
sleep Make the device sleep for a number of seconds. int seconds Device will wake up after the specified number of seconds. Sleep can only be interrupted by a press of the select button.
upgrade Upgrade the device if a firmware update is available.
playSound Play a sound file saved on the device. String melody The sound file name saved in the clocks MELODIES folder (without the file extension).
playRtttl Play a rtttl sound. String rtttl The rtttl string to play.
showNotification Show a notification. String message The message to show.
String icon The name of the icon saved on the device that is shown with the message.
showCustomNotification Show a notification with maximal customization options. Map<String, Object> appParams Map that holds any parameter that is available for an Awtrix App as shown in the App Channels section of the documentation. Use the channel ids in the App Channels section as keys.
boolean hold Whether the notification should stay on the screen until the user presses the select button.
boolean wakeUp Whether the notification should wake up the device if the display is currently switched off.
boolean stack Whether the notification should be stacked on top of the previous notification or replace the currently active notification.
String rtttl Play the specified rtttl sound when displaying the notification.
String rtttl Play the specified rtttl ringtone when displaying the notification. Set to null for no sound or when the sound parameter is set.
String sound Play the specified sound file when displaying the notification. Set to null for no sound or when the rtttl parameter is set.
boolean loopSound Whether the sound should be played in a loop until the notification is dismissed.

# Full Example

# Things

Bridge mqtt:broker:myBroker [ host="localhost", port=1883 ]
Bridge mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix "Living Room Display" (mqtt:broker:myBroker) [ basetopic="awtrix", appLockTimeout=10, lowBatteryThreshold=25 ] {
    Thing awtrix-app clock "Clock App" [ appname="clock", useButtons=true ]
    Thing awtrix-app weather "Weather App" [ appname="weather" ]
    Thing awtrix-app calendar "Calendar App" [ appname="calendar" ]
    Thing awtrix-app custom "Custom App" [ appname="custom" ]

# Items

// Bridge items (Living Room Display)
Group gAwtrix "Living Room Awtrix Display" <screen>
Dimmer Display_Brightness "Brightness [%d %%]" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:brightness" }
Switch Display_Power "Power" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:power" }
Switch Display_Screen "Screen" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:display" }
Switch Display_Sound "Sound" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:sound" }
Switch Display_AutoBrightness "Auto Brightness" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:autoBrightness" }
Number:Temperature Display_Temperature "Temperature [%.1f °C]" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:temperature" }
Number:Dimensionless Display_Humidity "Humidity [%d %%]" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:humidity" }
Number Display_Battery "Battery Level [%d %%]" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:batteryLevel" }
Switch Display_LowBattery "Low Battery" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:lowBattery" }
Number:Dimensionless Display_WiFi "WiFi Signal [%d %%]" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:rssi" }
String Display_CurrentApp "Active App [%s]" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix:app" }

// Clock App items
Group gAwtrixClock "Clock App"
Switch Clock_Active "Clock Active" (gAwtrixClock) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:clock:active" }
String Clock_Text "Clock Text" (gAwtrixClock) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:clock:text" }
Color Clock_Color "Clock Color" (gAwtrixClock) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:clock:color" }
Number Clock_Duration "Clock Duration" (gAwtrixClock) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:clock:duration" }

// Weather App items
Group gAwtrixWeather "Weather App"
Switch Weather_Active "Weather Active" (gAwtrixWeather) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:weather:active" }
String Weather_Text "Weather Text" (gAwtrixWeather) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:weather:text" }
String Weather_Icon "Weather Icon" (gAwtrixWeather) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:weather:icon" }
Color Weather_Color "Weather Color" (gAwtrixWeather) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:weather:color" }
Switch Weather_Rainbow "Weather Rainbow Effect" (gAwtrixWeather) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:weather:rainbow" }

// Custom App items with advanced features
Switch Custom_Active "Custom App Active" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:active" }
String Custom_Text "Custom Text" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:text" }
String Custom_Icon "Custom Icon" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:icon" }
Color Custom_Color "Text Color" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:color" }
Color Custom_Background "Background Color" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:background" }
Number:Dimensionless Custom_ScrollSpeed "Scroll Speed" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:scrollSpeed" }
Switch Custom_Center "Center Text" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:center" }
Number:Dimensionless Custom_Progress "Progress [%d %%]" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:progress" }
Color Custom_ProgressColor "Progress Color" (gAwtrix) { channel="mqtt:awtrix-app:myBroker:myAwtrix:custom:progressColor" }

# Sitemap

sitemap awtrix label="Awtrix Display" {
    Frame label="Display Control" {
        Switch item=Display_Power
        Slider item=Display_Brightness
        Switch item=Display_Screen
        Switch item=Display_Sound
        Switch item=Display_AutoBrightness
        Text item=Display_Temperature
        Text item=Display_Humidity
        Text item=Display_Battery visibility=[Display_LowBattery==ON]
        Text item=Display_WiFi
        Text item=Display_CurrentApp
    Frame label="Clock App" {
        Switch item=Clock_Active
        Text item=Clock_Text
        Colorpicker item=Clock_Color
        Slider item=Clock_Duration
    Frame label="Weather App" {
        Switch item=Weather_Active
        Text item=Weather_Text
        Text item=Weather_Icon
        Colorpicker item=Weather_Color
        Switch item=Weather_Rainbow
    Frame label="Custom App" {
        Switch item=Custom_Active
        Text item=Custom_Text
        Text item=Custom_Icon
        Colorpicker item=Custom_Color
        Colorpicker item=Custom_Background
        Slider item=Custom_ScrollSpeed
        Switch item=Custom_Center
        Slider item=Custom_Progress
        Colorpicker item=Custom_ProgressColor

# Actions

The binding provides various actions that can be used in rules to control the Awtrix display. To use these actions, you need to import them in your rules.

Rules DSL:

val awtrixActions = getActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix")

JS Scripting:

var awtrixActions = actions.thingActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix");

# Indicator Control

Control the three indicator LEDs on the Awtrix display (JS Scripting):

// Blink indicator 1 in red for 1 second
awtrixActions.blinkIndicator(1, [255,0,0], 1000)

// Fade indicator 2 to blue over 2 seconds
awtrixActions.fadeIndicator(2, [0,0,255], 2000)

// Turn on indicator 3 in green
awtrixActions.activateIndicator(3, [0,255,0])

// Turn off indicator 1

# Device Control

Control basic device functions:

// Reboot the device

// Put device to sleep for 60 seconds

// Perform firmware upgrade

# Sound Control

Play sounds and melodies:

// Play a predefined sound file (without extension)

// Play an RTTTL melody

# Notifications

Display notifications on the screen:

// Show simple notification with icon
awtrixActions.showNotification("Hello World", "alert")

// Show custom notification with advanced options
val params = newHashMap(
    'text' -> 'Custom Message',
    'icon' -> 'warning',
    'color' -> [255,165,0],  // Orange color
    'rainbow' -> true,
    'duration' -> 10
    params,     // Notification parameters
    false,      // hold: Keep notification until manually cleared
    true,       // wakeUp: Wake up from screen saver
    true,       // stack: Add to notification stack
    "Indiana:d=4,o=5,b=250:e,8p,8f,8g,8p,1c6,8p.,d,8p,8e,1f,p.,g,8p,8a,8b,8p,1f6,p,a,8p,8b,2c6,2d6,2e6,e,8p,8f,8g,8p,1c6,p,d6,8p,8e6,1f.6,g,8p,8g,e.6,8p,d6,8p,8g,e.6,8p,d6,8p,8g,f.6,8p,e6,8p,8d6,2c6", // RTTTL sound to play (not both sound and rtttl)
    "alert",    // Sound file to play (not both sound and rtttl)
    false       // loopSound: Loop the sound until manually stopped

# Custom Notification Parameters

The action method parameters:

Parameter Type Description
hold Boolean Keep notification until manually cleared
wakeUp Boolean Wake up from screen saver
stack Boolean Add to notification stack
rtttl String RTTTL melody to play
sound String Sound file to play (without extension)
loopSound Boolean Loop the sound
params Map Notification parameters

The showCustomNotification action accepts all app channels as shown above as parameters in the params map.

# Rule Examples

Here are some example rules demonstrating various features:

rule "Battery Status Indicator Demo"
    Item Display_Battery changed
    if (Display_Battery.state <= 20) {
        // Show low battery warning with blinking red indicator
        getActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix").blinkIndicator(1, [255,0,0], 500)
        getActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix").showNotification("Low Battery!", "battery-alert")
    } else if (Display_Battery.state <= 50) {
        // Show yellow indicator for medium battery
        getActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix").setIndicator(1, [255,255,0])
    } else {
        // Show green indicator for good battery
        getActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix").setIndicator(1, [0,255,0])

rule "Door Bell Demo"
    Item Doorbell_Button changed to ON
    // Play sound and show notification
    getActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix").playRtttl("doorbell:d=4,o=6,b=100:8e,8g,8e,8c")
    var params = newHashMap(
        'text' -> "Doorbell",
        'icon' -> "bell-ring",
        'color' -> [0,255,255],  // Cyan color
        'pushIcon' -> "PUSHOUT",
        'center' -> true
    getActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix").showCustomNotification(
        params, false, true, true, "", "", false

rule "Progress Bar Demo"
    Item Washing_Machine_Progress changed
    var progress = (Washing_Machine_Progress.state as Number).intValue
    // Update custom app with progress bar
    Custom_ProgressColor.sendCommand("0,255,0")  // Green progress bar
    if (progress == 100) {
        // Play sound when done
        getActions("mqtt.awtrixlight", "mqtt:awtrix-clock:myBroker:myAwtrix").playSound("complete")

These rules demonstrate:

  • Using indicators to show battery status
  • Creating custom notifications with icons and colors
  • Playing RTTTL melodies and sound files
  • Displaying progress bars