# BambuLab Binding

This addon supports connecting with BambuLab 3D printers in local mode. While cloud mode is theoretically possible, it is not supported by the addon developers.

# Cloud Mode

Cloud mode is possible but not officially supported by the addon developers.

To use cloud mode, follow these steps:

# Find Username

Log in to Maker World and visit my-preferences (opens new window) to retrieve a JSON response containing your data. The relevant field is uid, which represents the unique ID of your account. Use this value as the username in the configuration (advanced field) with the prefix u_.

# Access Token

To obtain an access token, follow these steps:

  1. Log in using your email and password.
  2. Confirm the login using a token received via email.

# Step 1: Login with Email and Password

curl -X POST "https://api.bambulab.com/v1/user-service/user/login" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "account": "you@email.io",
           "password": "superduperpassword123"

# Step 2: Confirm Login with Token from Email

curl -X POST "https://api.bambulab.com/v1/user-service/user/login" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "account": "you@email.io",
           "code": "123456"

You will receive a long access code in the response. Copy it and use it as the accessCode parameter.

Note: This access code expires after three months. When it expires, repeat the process to obtain a new one.

# Hostname

Use us.mqtt.bambulab.com as the hostname.

# Supported Things

  • printer: Represents a BambuLab 3D printer.

# Thing Configuration

Parameter Type Required Description
serial Text Yes Unique serial number of the printer.
scheme Text No URI scheme. (Advanced)
hostname Text Yes IP address of the printer or us.mqtt.bambulab.com for cloud mode.
port Integer No URI port. (Advanced)
username Text No bblp for local mode or your Bambu Lab user (starting with u_). (Advanced)
accessCode Text Yes Access code for the printer. The method of obtaining this varies between local and cloud modes.

# Channels

Channel ID Type Description
nozzle-temperature Temperature Channel Current temperature of the nozzle.
nozzle-target-temperature Temperature Channel Target temperature of the nozzle.
bed-temperature Temperature Channel Current temperature of the heated bed.
bed-target-temperature Temperature Channel Target temperature of the heated bed.
chamber-temperature Temperature Channel Current temperature inside the printer chamber.
mc-print-stage String Channel Current stage of the print process.
mc-percent Percent Channel Percentage of the print completed.
mc-remaining-time Number Channel Estimated time remaining for the print (in seconds).
wifi-signal WiFi Channel Current WiFi signal strength.
bed-type String Channel Type of the printer's heated bed.
gcode-file String Channel Name of the currently loaded G-code file.
gcode-state String Channel Current state of the G-code execution.
reason String Channel Reason for pausing or stopping the print.
result String Channel Final result or status of the print job.
gcode-file-prepare-percent Percent Channel Percentage of G-code file preparation completed.
big-fan1-speed Number Channel Speed of the first large cooling fan (RPM).
big-fan2-speed Number Channel Speed of the second large cooling fan (RPM).
heat-break-fan-speed Number Channel Speed of the heat break cooling fan (RPM).
layer-num Number Channel Current layer being printed.
speed-level Number Channel Current speed setting of the print job.
time-laps Boolean Channel Indicates whether time-lapse recording is enabled.
use-ams Boolean Channel Indicates whether the Automatic Material System (AMS) is active.
vibration-calibration Boolean Channel Indicates whether vibration calibration has been performed.
led-chamber On/Off Command Controls the LED lighting inside the printer chamber.
led-work On/Off Command Controls the LED lighting for the work area.

# Full Example

# bambulab.things Example

Thing bambulab:printer:myprinter "My BambuLab Printer" @ "3D Printing Area" [

# bambulab.items Exmaple

Number:Temperature NozzleTemperature "Nozzle Temperature [%.1f °C]" { channel="bambulab:printer:myprinter:nozzle-temperature" }
Number:Temperature BedTemperature "Bed Temperature [%.1f °C]" { channel="bambulab:printer:myprinter:bed-temperature" }
String PrintStage "Print Stage [%s]" { channel="bambulab:printer:myprinter:mc-print-stage" }
Switch LedChamber "Chamber LED" { channel="bambulab:printer:myprinter:led-chamber" }

# Actions

The printer thing supports actions:

rule "test"
        /* when */
val actions = getActions("bambulab", "bambulab:printer:as8af03m38")
    if(actions !==null){
        // Refresh all channels

# refreshChannels

Reports the complete status of the printer. This is unnecessary for the X1 series since it already transmits the full object each time. However, the P1 series only sends the values that have been updated compared to the previous report. As a rule of thumb, refrain from executing this command at intervals less than 5 minutes on the P1P, as it may cause lag due to its hardware limitations.

# sendCommand

The sendCommand method expects a string command in the format:


# Possible Commands:

Command Type Parameters Description
Pushing version(int),pushTarget(int) (optional) Sends a push command.
Print START / STOP / PAUSE Controls the print job.
ChangeFilament target(int),currentTemperature(int)),targetTemperature(int) Changes filament using.
AmsUserSetting amsId(int),startupReadOption(boolean),trayReadOption(boolean) Sets AMS user settings.
AmsFilamentSetting amsId(int),trayId(int),trayInfoIdx(string),trayColor(string),nozzleTempMin(int),nozzleTempMax(int),trayType(string) Configures filament settings.
AmsControl RESUME / RESET / PAUSE Sends an AMS control command.
PrintSpeed SILENT / STANDARD / SPORT / LUDICROUS Adjusts print speed.
GCodeFile filename(string) Loads a G-code file.
GCodeLine userId(string)\nlines(string...) Sends multiple G-code lines. Lines are enter (\n) separated
LedControl (CHAMBER_LIGHT / WORK_LIGHT),(ON / OFF / FLASHING),ledOnTime(int)?,ledOffTime(int)?,loopTimes(int)?,intervalTime(int)? Controls LED lighting.
System GET_ACCESS_CODE Executes a system command.
IpCamRecord enable(boolean) Starts or stops IP camera recording.
Info GET_VERSION Sends a info command.
IpCamTimelaps enable(boolean) Enables or disables timelapse recording.
XCamControl (FIRST_LAYER_INSPECTOR / SPAGHETTI_DETECTOR),control(boolean),printHalt(boolean) Controls XCam settings.