If you are organizing an event around openHAB, please let us know in the Events category (opens new window) of the community forum. We will work with you to add it on this page.
Upcoming events
Past events
FrOSCon 2024
Sankt Augustin, GermanyFree Software and Open Source - these are the topics of FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Software Conference). Every year in August the computer science department of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, supported by FrOSCon e.V., will organize an exciting program with talks and workshops for visitors of all ages. The event is topped off with a fair of booths from FLOSS projects and companies. The social event, celebrated at Saturday night, offers the opportunity to exchange opinions with other visitors, speakers or volunteers.
Brussels, BelgiumopenHAB will be represented at FOSDEM 2024 with a stand in building K
and several maintainers and community members present. FOSDEM is free to attend, there is no registration... so come see us!
Smart Living Forum Solingen
Solingen, GermanyThe event takes place on Saturday, November 18 in Solingen, Germany from 10am-18pm. It is open to the general public and will have a marketplace with booths and a series of talks. The communities of openRemote and ioBroker will also be present.
Brussels, BelgiumopenHAB will be represented at FOSDEM 2023 with a stand
and several maintainers and community members present. FOSDEM is free to attend, there is no registration... so come see us!
FrOSCon 2020
Sankt Augustin, GermanyFree Software and Open Source - these are the topics of FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Software Conference). Every year in August the computer science department of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, supported by FrOSCon e.V., will organize an exciting program with talks and workshops for visitors of all ages. The event is topped off with a fair of booths from FLOSS projects and companies. The social event, celebrated at Saturday night, offers the opportunity to exchange opinions with other visitors, speakers or volunteers.
The openHAB Foundation will apply for a stand at FrOSCon 2020 again (as soon as possible) and hopefully be part of FrOSCon the third time. More info/discussion soon in the events category
of openHAB community. -
Brussels, BelgiumopenHAB will be represented at FOSDEM 2020 with a stand
and several maintainers and community members present. FOSDEM is free to attend, there is no registration... so come see us!
17. Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage
Kiel, GermanyFree Software and Open Source - these are the topics of Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage. Every year in September the Kieler Linux Initiative, will organize a conference with talks, workshops and a social event for visitors of all ages. The event is topped off with a fair of booths from FLOSS projects and companies.
BTW: We need some more openHAB ambassadors at our booth 😃 Join the discussion
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4rd Berlin openHAB meetup
Berlin, GermanyA meetup of openHAB enthusiasts in Berlin to talk about their use of openHAB, hacks, rules, bindings and implementations. Click here for more informations -> https://community.openhab.org/t/berlin-meetup/45415/84
FrOSCon 2019
Sankt Augustin, GermanyFree Software and Open Source - these are the topics of FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Software Conference). Every year in August the computer science department of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, supported by FrOSCon e.V., will organize an exciting program with talks and workshops for visitors of all ages. The event is topped off with a fair of booths from FLOSS projects and companies. The social event, celebrated at Saturday night, offers the opportunity to exchange opinions with other visitors, speakers or volunteers.
The talk about SmartHome
is scheduled for Saturday, 03:15pm. BTW: We need some more openHAB ambassadors at our booth 😃 Join the discussion
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Smart Home Day
Darmstadt, GermanyThe openHAB Foundation organises another Smart Home Day at the Hochschule Darmstadt. It is an half-day event from 11am-2:30pm and it is free for anybody to attend, but you need to register. The event is co-located with the foundation's General Assembly for the members, which starts at 3pm at the same venue.
Maker Faire Berlin
Berlin, Germany"Build your own internet fridge" 😃 The openHAB community will show some of the exciting possibilities to integrate DIY components with products from the smart home and IoT industry. Oh, and that internet fridge meme will definitely not be on the list, just meant to draw attention.
openHAB Hackathon @ Bosch Connected Expierience (BCX19)
Berlin, GermanyThe openHAB Foundation will be Hack Enabler at Europe's largest IoT Hackathon, the Bosch Connected Experience (BCX) in Berlin, Germany. 700 developers, UX experts, product managers and designers come together to hack with cars, ebikes, robots, sensors, machines, smart home appliances, construction tools, and much more.
Register now
to hack on challenges by the openHAB Foundation or also on your own topics. -
Homematic User-Treffen 2019
Kassel, GermanyBiggest community event for Homematic users in Germany. The agenda includes a talk about openHAB this year.
Luxembourg City, LuxembourgYannick is kindly invited by the Luxembourg Java User Group and will give a presentation and tour of openHAB, including a hands-on demonstration.
Brussels, BelgiumopenHAB will be represented at FOSDEM 2019 with a stand
and several maintainers and community members present. FOSDEM is free to attend, there is no registration... so come see us! -
3rd Berlin openHAB meetup
Berlin, GermanyA meetup of openHAB enthusiasts in Berlin to talk about their use of openHAB, hacks, rules, bindings and implementations.
Linuxhotel Workshop/Training
Essen, GermanyIn this one-day workshop we introduce openHAB 2 to participants and show them how to configure and use certain aspects of the software; we also introduce MQTT and participants use an ESP8266 in order to work with openHAB and MQTT.
How to Develop a Smart Home
Talcahuano 469 1er Piso Buenos Aires ArgentinaLearn step by step to build a smart home in an easy way with openHAB
Smart Home Day 2018
Ludwigsburg, GermanyThe openHAB Foundation hosts another Smart Home Day co-located with EclipseCon Europe!
Smart Public Building Project & openHAB Academic Initiative 2018
Stuttgart, GermanyThe agenda covers topics such as scaling from home automation to public buildings, applicability of openHAB in public institutions, self-learning systems based on openHAB, indoor positioning, smart building control, and Web-based 2d and 3d visualisations.
Conference and workshops are located at the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart (city centre), scheduled right before Smart Home Day and EclipseCon in Ludwigsburg (approx. 30 minutes from Stuttgart).
Friday, 19th October: Academic conference as part of the Smart Public Building Project and the openHAB Foundation Academic Initiative.
Saturday, 20th October: Two full-day openHAB workshops for users (in German), and developers (in English). The workshops will take place in parallel.
Conference and workshops are free of charge. There will be a networking dinner on Friday evening at the Café Königsbau, which has to be paid by the participants themselves.
Registration for the Smart Public Building 2018
is now open. Please note, that the number of participants is limited. -
Berlin openHAB meetup
Berlin, GermanyThe second Berlin openHAB meetup: chat, presentations and code demos.
FrOSCon 2018
Sankt Augustin, GermanyFree Software and Open Source - these are the topics of FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Software Conference). Every year in August the computer science department of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, supported by FrOSCon e.V., will organize an exciting program with talks and workshops for visitors of all ages. The event is topped off with a fair of booths from FLOSS projects and companies. The social event, celebrated at Saturday night, offers the opportunity to exchange opinions with other visitors, speakers or volunteers.
The talk about openHAB
is scheduled for Sunday, 03:15pm. -
Eclipse DemoCamp 2018
Darmstadt, GermanyKai will do a demo with openHAB at this demo camp. Good opportunity to meet Eclipse SmartHome core developers!
Berlin openHAB meetup
Berlin, GermanyA meetup of openHAB enthusiasts in Berlin to talk about their use of openHAB, hacks, rules, bindings and implementations.
Ingenieurtag 2018
Darmstadt, GermanyKai talks about „Interoperabilität im Smart Home“ at this event. Attendance is free and open to the public. Start is at 3pm in the Best Western Hotel Darmstadt, Grafenstraße 31.
SINTEG-Jahreskonferenz 2018
Berlin, GermanyopenHAB is presented as an example for "Digitalisierung von Haushalten durch Smart Home Technologie" by Kai on June 6.
building IoT 2018
Köln, GermanyThe building IoT conference is renowned for deep technical insights into the software engineering aspects of the Internet of Things. Kai is a member of the program committee and he also presents openHAB in his talk about smart home interoperability
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Silicon Saxony Day 2018
Dresden, GermanyKai participates in the expert sessions and talks about interoperability in the IoT in the presentation "Mastering the diversity in smart buildings - A practical approach with openHAB"
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JavaLand 2018
Phantasialand in Brühl, GermanyPhilipp Hertweck gives an introduction to openHAB and shows how to easily integrate DIY components like Arduinos in the newcomer session "Erweiterbares, bastlerfreundliches Smart Home mit openHAB